EXTRA DISPLAY: remote LED display for agricultural machines
EXTRA Display is a specialized device designed to remotely and clearly display information from the main indicator. Commonly utilized in agricultural and industrial applications, this remote display allows operators to monitor critical information from a distance, significantly enhancing visibility and control over feeding processes or other operations. It is particularly beneficial in challenging environmental conditions or when the distance from the main indicator reduces visibility, ensuring seamless operation and improved efficiency.
All Benefits
LED Display to control weight and components name even from long distance (over 30 m – 100 feet).
Hight performance display even in direct sunlinght.
Remote monitoring: allows operators to view critical information from a remote location without needing to be physically near the main indicator, improving operational efficiency.
Increased visibility: designed to provide clear data visualization even in challenging environmental conditions, such as low light or significant distance from the main indicator.
Easy installation: can be installed in various positions, offering flexibility and adaptability to the operator’s needs.
Enhanced efficiency: reduces the need for constant movement to check the main indicator, allowing operators to focus on other tasks.
Reliability in tough conditions: ideal for challenging work environments, such as agricultural or industrial areas, where visibility of the main indicator may be limited.
Have you ever imagined how EXTRA Display could boost your productivity?
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